Enter your details below and indicate what type of query you have and a member of our team will contact you shortly. You can also call Scope Home Access on 1300 765 887.

You can also visit us at 3 Hamilton Street, Dapto 2530 NSW Australia

Who is the query for?

I am making this query for:* - required
When the query is for yourself, enter:
When the query is for someone else, enter:

What is your query?

Type of query:* - required
Making a referral:

If you are making a referral you can complete a referral form by going to our Make a referral page.

If you would prefer to speak to someone, please enter details under a General enquiry.

Arranging a service:
Enquiring about a job in progress:
Enquiring about an OT booking:
Providing feedback:
Lodging a complaint
Statement to be read by/to the complainant:
Clients/participants and other interested parties are encouraged to complain about any aspect of service delivery and are assured that their complaint/s will be dealt with in a prompt, fair and confidential manner and without retribution. Any complaint will not prejudice their right to future service provision by Scope Home Access and that any feedback helps us to maintain and improve the quality of our service delivery.

Please indicate that the statement has been read by/to the complainant:

Select one:* - required
Making a general enquiry:
IT Support

Please enter a description of your issue

Please upload any images to illustrate your issue
Please note: entering a full description of your issue assists us in determining the cause of your issue
Thank you, a member of our staff will contact you shortly. 
Mandatory field(s) marked with *